Environmental Review Notice for Hayes Woods Residential Subdivision
Thu, 03/25/2021 - 4:36pm
PROJECT: “Hayes Woods” – Residential Subdivision
LOCATION: Maple Avenue (Map: 104 Parcel :30 & Map : 212 Parcel 13) – Groton, MA
PROPONENT: Maple Realty Trust – Robert P. Kiley, Trustee
The undersigned is submitting an Environmental Notification Form (“ENF”) to the Secretary of Energy & Environmental th Affairs on or before March 15, 2021.
This will initiate review of the above project pursuant to the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (“MEPA”, M.G.L. c. 30, s.s. 61-62I). Copies of the ENF may be obtained from:
Dillis & Roy, Civil Design Group, Inc.
1 Main Street, Suite #1
Lunenburg, MA 01462 Phone: 978-779-6091
Copies of the ENF are also being sent to the Conservation Commission and Planning Board of Groton where they may be inspected.
The Secretary of Energy & Environmental Affairs will publish notice of the ENF in the Environmental Monitor, will receive public comments on the project for 20 days, and will then decide, within ten days, if an environmental Impact Report is needed. A site visit and consultation session on the project may also be scheduled. All persons wishing to comment on the project, or to be notified of a site visit or consultation session, should write to the Secretary of Energy & Environmental Affairs, 100 Cambridge St., Suite 900, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, Attention: MEPA Office, referencing the above project.
By Maple Realty Trust – Robert P. Kiley, Trustee
3/26/2021 A