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We wish to thank our sustaining subscribers [listed below] for helping provide the oxygen that keeps the Groton Herald alive week-in and week-out. When the national governments of both parties are perceived to lurch from crisis to crisis, then the best avenue for securing our security, prosperity...
As we reported in the December 10, 2021 edition of the Groton Herald, the Massachusetts legislature is giving local municipalities the power to reduce speed limits on roads in their towns. The town of Ayer has already adopted lower speed limits and the town of Harvard is in the process of getting...
If you are in the newspaper business, deadlines are your unforgiving master. It’s a fast moving, all-consuming world. Stories must be reported, leads followed up, ads prepared, breaking news accommodated, and pages completed. The luxury of finishing it tomorrow does not exist in this world. This...

Groton's new District


Like other small towns, Groton’s government generally acts with little consideration for the needs or concerns of the rest of the region. Our Select Board is mostly reactive. Issues come before them, they dispense with them, and move onto the next item. But as decisions about health policy,...
The Massachusetts Senate recently allocated $3.82 billion in Covid relief funds [ARPA Funds] received from the federal government as well as some surplus funds from the state’s fiscal year 2021 budget earmarked for relief and recovery from COVID. All funding allocation decisions were conducted...
The changes in the House and Senate district maps are a reality check, an indication of Groton’s waning political influence statewide. In addition it is a ‘wake-up call’ showing we have work to do. [See Front Page Story]      There is no other way to interpret the legislature’s decisions to...
In our little neighborhood at the foot of Longley road, in the late 1970s and 1980s, there lived a man - a hermit really - with severe Tourette’s syndrome. Most days, twice a day, he walked to the Center and back, bringing home a few groceries. He walked past our house, bent over, cupping a...
Town Meeting heard presentations of the two opposing views on whether to elect of appoint the Town Clerk, both thoughtful and respectful and soundly based in history and reason in the best tradition of democracy. Mike Bouchard, who has held the position for the past 13 years, is an advocate for...
When Police Chief Luth spoke about his department’s response to incidents of hate and discrimination at last week’s Select Board meeting, he spoke with calmness, clarity and respect. He offered advice, insights into the law and positive examples with commonsense ideas on how to combat hate...
When Mike Bouchard was newly elected Town Clerk in 2008, it was impossible to predict what a godsend his steady hand would be for our town. We could not have predicted the turmoil of the 2016 or 2020 national presidential elections. We could not have imagined what damage a partisan - or...


Groton Herald

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P.O. Box 610, Groton, Massachusetts 01450

145 Main Street, Groton, Massachusetts 014510
[Prescott Community Center]

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