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A friend and neighbor is 65. His mother is 88. Both are retired and both are senior citizens. But, the needs, concerns and outlooks of these two seniors are very different. How can we design senior citizen programs to bridge such a wide divide?     Despite the Council On Aging and the Senior Center...
We support and encourage prudent increases in programming for Senior Citizens. As the elderly population grows, there is no doubt that some seniors will need robust services and support, especially as they reach their late 70s and 80s. COA Director Kathy Shelp has forcefully advocated for increased...
*/ [Farewell Remarks by Amherst Town Meeting Moderator Harrison Gregg’s on his retirement November 28, 2012]     Like most of you, I love Town Meeting. I love the ideal of participatory democracy, the right to speak one’s mind, the right to petition one’s government for redress of grievances or...
*/ [Generally, the ‘Reflection Connection’ section is our ‘catch-all’ for short pieces of wisdom, observations and comments that have no other obvious home in the newspaper. Here we make an exception and reprint a longer piece, a letter sent by Selectman Jack Petroploulos to the BoS, meant to be...
*/ Elea Kemler, Minister First Parish Church, led the Community Vigil For Healing on September 10, 2017 for healing, recognition and remembrance of four victims murdered at 80 Common Street on Friday. Below are excerpts from the Rev. Kemler’s comments. Shua Arshad, President of the Interfaith...
In a May 26 editorial, the Groton Herald argued that Selectmen, the Community Preservation Committee [CPC] and the Affordable Housing Trust should conduct a public post-mortem analysis of the failed $400,000 investment in Boynton Meadows Housing project. Although the investment loss is...
There has been a big push from state and town government to increase affordable housing in Groton. The primary approach has been to use developer incentives to increase the supply of affordable housing for purchase. Yet, finding qualified buyers to purchase these units has been tough. Often Groton...
When evaluating the impacts of Indian Hill Music Center, traffic entering and exiting the site was on the top of the list of the town’s most pressing concerns. There was talk of needing a stoplight at the intersection of Old Ayer Road and Rte. 119 and possibly reconfiguring Prescott common....
The Economic Development Committee’s obsession with interfering in Selectmen’s process for the Prescott School has stirred up political strife and emotional turmoil, culminating in an aborted investigation of Selectmen Jack Petropoulos and Becky Pine. This so-called “investigation” was based on an...
The voters have spoken. There is no need to hire a fortuneteller to read the tea leaves. Nor is there need for excuses to explain away the defeat of Question 2. The reason is crystal clear: voters don’t want to spend $5-$6 million for a new Senior Center. They want a less expensive solution. Last...


Groton Herald

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[Prescott Community Center]

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