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Ignoring clear operational guidance from Selectmen and the Fincom, Town Manager Haddad created his own ‘vision’ for a town budget. The Fincom told him to produce a budget with no more than three percent growth, while Selectmen told him to produce a budget that maintains current service levels...
For a deeper understanding of our town, readers should occasionally flip the Groton Herald over and read the back page first. Here you will find the 'deep' news, news beyond our usual understanding of 'news,' items that reveal our motivation for striving for a better town. Here you will find the...
 The following editorial was made by kniting together excerpts from comments by Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona given on the floor the United State Senate. Senator Flake’s speech addresses our President’s attacks on the American press. Some of these same observations in this editorial could apply to...
There is no such thing as a ‘cookie-cutter’ Charter. Every Massachusetts town adopting a charter form of government writes their own Charter, their own governing document. There are often similarities between towns’ charters, but there are also many differences. The Massachusetts legislature...
*/ The Reflection Connection section of the Groton Herald [below] is reserved for items with no obvious home in a traditional story or section of the newspaper. Items printed here are an eclectic mix of opinion, ideas, observations, insights, transcripts, quotes from government documents, and...
Indian Hill Music Center’s insistence on a huge discount off the town’s standard building permit fee structure is very hard to understand given that IMH could afford to build a state-of-the-art music center for $50 million - $70 million.      This is lost money that has a direct affect on Groton...
Why does it even matter that Selectmen deliberated a permit fee reduction for the Indian Hill building project in secret? If the result would have been the same even with public input, even with a fair hearing, even with opposition voices duly heard and acknowledged?    Because this is supposed to...
As part of the Special Permit issued to Indian Hill Music Center by the Groton Planning Board, Indian Hill agreed to make changes to the intersection of Route 119 and Old Ayer Road. Indian Hill Music Center values the work to be done there at between $390,000 and $500,000.    Now, some Selectmen...
A supportable argument can be made that it is in the best interest of the town to grant Indian Hill Music Center a reduction in their Building Permit fee. However, the purpose of this editorial is not to argue the merit or lack-of-merit of such a permit reduction, but whether the process Selectmen...
*/ [Editor: Last week we published an excerpt from Arizona Senator Jeff Flake’s October address to the United States Senate. This week, we print the concluding portion of his address.      Even though Senator Flake’s address concerns our national political discourse, there can be little doubt...


Groton Herald

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[Prescott Community Center]

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