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Dunstable Legals



Long-Term Lease of Land for Rental Housing Development

   Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30B, § 16, the Town of Dunstable is requesting sealed proposals for the development of rental housing on Town-owned land. The Town intends that the selected developer will propose approximately 40 rental housing units with 25-percent restricted as affordable and all dwelling units qualifying for the state’s subsidized housing inventory. The Town expects to enter a land development agreement and a 99-year lease with the selected developer. 

   The Town-owned property is a 28.5-acre parcel located at 160-164 Pleasant Street and identified on Assessor’s Map 12 as Lots 48 and 49-1. The property is located in the Town’s Mixed Use Zoning District.

   The Request for Proposal Package (RFP) containing information relative to the submission requirements will be available at

on August 17, 2022 and at the Town Administrator’s Office, Town of Dunstable, Town Hall, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, Massachusetts 01827, and available via email to

   Sealed proposals will be received at the Town Administrator’s Office, Town of Dunstable, Town Hall, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, Massachusetts 01827 until 2:00 pm, on October 18, 2022. Ten (10) hard copies of the proposal must be delivered in a sealed package, plainly marked “160-164 Pleasant Street Development Proposal” along with a USB flash drive with files in PDF format.

   All proposals shall remain in effect for a period of 120 calendar days from the deadline for submission, or until a land development agreement is signed by a selected developer and the Town, or this Request for Proposals is cancelled, whichever occurs first.

   The Town of Dunstable reserves the right to cancel the RFP, reject any or all proposals, waive any informalities in the proposals, and to accept the proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the Town. A land development agreement and lease will be awarded by the Board of Selectmen, if at all, to the responsive and responsible developer whose proposal is deemed by the Town to be the most advantageous, taking into consideration price, the evaluation criteria included in the RFP, and the results of an interview process with the Board of Selectmen. The RFP and supporting documentation do not constitute an offer or  agreement to lease the property. Such an offer and agreement may result only from the execution of a land development agreement and lease by the Town’s Board of Selectmen.

9/2 and 9/9/2022 C




Long-Term Lease of Land for Rental Housing Development

   Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30B, § 16, the Town of Dunstable is requesting sealed proposals for the development of rental housing on Town-owned land. The Town intends that the selected developer will propose approximately 40 rental housing units with 25-percent restricted as affordable and all dwelling units qualifying for the state’s subsidized housing inventory. The Town expects to enter a land development agreement and a 99-year lease with the selected developer. 

   The Town-owned property is a 28.5-acre parcel located at 160-164 Pleasant Street and identified on Assessor’s Map 12 as Lots 48 and 49-1. The property is located in the Town’s Mixed Use Zoning District.

   The Request for Proposal Package (RFP) containing information relative to the submission requirements will be available at

on August 17, 2022 and at the Town Administrator’s Office, Town of Dunstable, Town Hall, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, Massachusetts 01827, and available via email to

   Sealed proposals will be received at the Town Administrator’s Office, Town of Dunstable, Town Hall, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, Massachusetts 01827 until 2:00 pm, on October 18, 2022. Ten (10) hard copies of the proposal must be delivered in a sealed package, plainly marked “160-164 Pleasant Street Development Proposal” along with a USB flash drive with files in PDF format.

   All proposals shall remain in effect for a period of 120 calendar days from the deadline for submission, or until a land development agreement is signed by a selected developer and the Town, or this Request for Proposals is cancelled, whichever occurs first.

   The Town of Dunstable reserves the right to cancel the RFP, reject any or all proposals, waive any informalities in the proposals, and to accept the proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the Town. A land development agreement and lease will be awarded by the Board of Selectmen, if at all, to the responsive and responsible developer whose proposal is deemed by the Town to be the most advantageous, taking into consideration price, the evaluation criteria included in the RFP, and the results of an interview process with the Board of Selectmen. The RFP and supporting documentation do not constitute an offer or  agreement to lease the property. Such an offer and agreement may result only from the execution of a land development agreement and lease by the Town’s Board of Selectmen.

9/2 and 9/9/2022 C


Dunstable Conservation Commission


   The Dunstable Conservation Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, July 25, 2022, 6:40pm to consider a Notice of Intent filed by Daniel Walent for property owned by Daniel and Shannon Walent and located at 650 Pleasant Street, Map 7, Lot 16-0.  Mr. Walent proposes to raze a deck, remove a portion of the driveway and stonewall, construct an addition, deck and extend the driveway within the 100-ft. Buffer Zone of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland.  This is a joint hearing under the requirements of MGL Ch. 131 §40, as amended, and the Dunstable Wetlands Protection Bylaw and Regulations, as amended.  Plans are available at the Commission’s office at Town Hall, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, MA.  For information email:

7/15/2022 H

Dunstable Conservation Commission


   The Dunstable Conservation Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, June 27, 2022, 6:30pm to consider a Notice of Intent filed by Corey Schutzman of New England Power Company for maintenance and improvement activities associated with the 326 Transmission Line Right-of-Way in Dunstable. The applicant proposes to replace existing structures and guidewires, mowing of work pads, maintenance and improvements to existing access roads, and grading and matting of work pads.  This is a joint hearing under the requirements of MGL Ch. 131 §40, as amended, and the Dunstable Wetlands Protection Bylaw and Regulations, as amended. Plans are available at the Commission’s office at Town Hall, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, MA. For information email:



Dunstable Conservation Commission


At its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, June 27, 2022 at 6:45pm at the Town Hall lower level, the Dunstable Conservation Commission will consider a Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) to repair stairs, stoops, porch and deck attached to the house at 167 Hardy Street.  Request submitted by Robert Tousisnant from 167 Hardy Street, Dunstable, MA 01827.  The Commission will make its determination in accordance with the provisions of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L. c.131 § 40, its associated Regulations (310 CMR 10.00) and the Town of Dunstable General Wetland Bylaw.  The RDA is on file in the Commission office at the Town Hall.  Please call 978-649-4514 x230 or email to review the application.  


6/17/2022 D  


Dunstable Conservation Commission


At its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, June 27, 2022 at 6:45pm at the Town Hall lower level, the Dunstable Conservation Commission will consider a Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) to repair stairs, stoops, porch and deck attached to the house at 167 Hardy Street.  Request submitted by Robert Tousisnant from 167 Hardy Street, Dunstable, MA 01827.  The Commission will make its determination in accordance with the provisions of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L. c.131 § 40, its associated Regulations (310 CMR 10.00) and the Town of Dunstable General Wetland Bylaw.  The RDA is on file in the Commission office at the Town Hall.  Please call 978-649-4514 x230 or email to review the application.  


6/17/2022 D  


Dunstable Planning Board PUBLIC HEARING

   The Dunstable Planning Board will hold a re-hearing of a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 21 at 6:30pm at the Dunstable Town Hall, 511 Main Street, lower level, regarding the application by David Piscatelli for a Special Permit under Section 22.C.3 Town Center District Requirement of the Town of Dunstable Zoning Bylaw. The applicant withdrew his application and re-submitted it due to a change in Planning Board members. The applicant wishes to convert an existing barn into two residential units and a commercial/office space at 493 Main Street, Dunstable, MA parcel 17-131-0, which is located in the R-1 Residential zone/Town Center Overlay District.  Owner of the property is David Piscatelli, 3 George Root Way, North Reading, MA 01864.    

   If you would like to review the application, please contact either Cheryl Mann ( or Town Clerk Carol Skerrett ( or call 978-649-4514 to schedule a time to come to Town Hall.

6/3 and 6/10/2022 B

Dunstable Planning Board


   The Dunstable Planning Board will hold a re-hearing of a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 21 at 6:30pm at the Dunstable Town Hall, 511 Main Street, lower level, regarding the application by David Piscatelli for a Special Permit under Section 22.C.3 Town Center District Requirement of the Town of Dunstable Zoning Bylaw. The applicant withdrew his application and re-submitted it due to a change in Planning Board members. The applicant wishes to convert an existing barn into two residential units and a commercial/office space at 493 Main Street, Dunstable, MA parcel 17-131-0, which is located in the R-1 Residential zone/Town Center Overlay District.  Owner of the property is David Piscatelli, 3 George Root Way, North Reading, MA 01864.    

   If you would like to review the application, please contact either Cheryl Mann ( or Town Clerk Carol Skerrett ( or call 978-649-4514 to schedule a time to come to Town Hall.

6/3 and 6/10/2022 B


Road Milling/Cold Planing/Asphalt Concrete Excavation

   Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Road Commissioners at the Town Hall, 511 Main St., Dunstable, MA for Dunstable’s seasonal requirements for the following:

 Road Milling/Cold Planing/Asphalt Concrete Excavation     Approximately 25,000 sq. yds.

   Minimum Requirements

A. Contractor must demonstrate a minimum of five (5) years experience providing the services in the required in the scope of services.

B. The contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment and vehicles as required for work in accordance with the scope of services.

C. Unit price quoted shall include milling, loading, disposal, sweeping and final clean-up.

D. Contractor shall conform to all requirements of federal, state and local laws, including compliance with prevailing wage laws and OSHA training. 

Scope of Services 

   The contractor shall be responsible for excavating asphalt concrete pavement by cold planer. Depth of planing shall average 2 inches. 

   The cold planer shall be equipped with a cutter drum at least 72 inches wide with an elevating device capable of loading milled material directly into trucks while operating and with dust control system capable of complying with environmental air quality standards.

   The contractor will be required to supply auxiliary milling equipment to clean up work along the curbs and around castings. Work areas shall be left clean and free from debris at the end of each workday. 

   The use of planing equipment mounted on pneumatic tires will be permitted only for clean up work or in areas less than 10 feet wide

   The contractor will be responsible for damage to existing castings resulting from his operation unless such castings have previously been paved over, are not visible on the surface, and have not been marked out in the field by the Highway personnel.

   The Town of Dunstable reserves the right to salvage any material such as granite, brick, or millings. 

   The Town will arrange and pay for all required police details. The Contractor will provide all necessary barricades, signs and cones for road closures and detours. The Contractor will also provide cones and barricades for traffic lane control.

   All bids that fall under MGL Ch. 30 S39M shall be accompanied by a bid deposit in the form of a bid bond, or cash or a certified check on, or a treasurer’s cashier’s check issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the awarding authority.  The amount of such bid deposit shall be five percent of the value of the bid.  Any person submitting a bid under this section shall on such bid, certify as follows:  The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this bid is in all respects bona fide, fair and made without collusion or fraud with any other person. Upon award of the contract, the successful bidder shall provide a payment bond in the amount of 50% of the total projected cost of the contract for the first year. If contract is renewed for future years, the bidder shall provide a payment bond in the amount of 50% of the total projected cost of the contract for each future year of the contract. The payment bond must be on the Town’s form that is attached.

   All bids should include at plant and delivered prices.  All materials must meet the Massachusetts Department of Public Works specifications and projects must be completed by the awarded bidder.  If any portion of the work is to be awarded to a subcontractor, full compliance with all bid requirements must be furnished and submitted in behalf of the subcontractor with the original bid, and a performance bond must be in place by that subcontractor before that portion for the contract may commence.

   All materials must meet Mass. Dept. of Public Works Specifications for Highways and Bridges.  Wages paid shall not be less than those prescribed by the Commissioner of Labor and Industries in accordance with MGL Ch. 149 S 26 to 27D inclusive.  Bidders must be prequalified in accordance with 720 CMRF 5.00, Prequalification of Contractors by MassDOT.

   Contract Time:  The period for this contract is expected to be for a period of June 15, 2022 to June 30, 2023 with an option to renew for an additional two years.  The Highway Department expects the work to begin within ten (10) days {Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays excluded} after issuance of notice to proceed and expects the work to be completed within the time period as indicated in the Contract and Agreement.  Failure to commence work without the approval of the Dunstable Road Commissioners shall constitute grounds for revocation of any award or contract.

   Bid envelopes must be marked “Sealed Bid Road Milling/Cold Planing/Asphalt Concrete Excavation”, should include the anti-collusion statement (Addendum B), completed bid form (Addendum A) and other applicable material and must be submitted to the attention of the Board of Road Commissioners, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, MA  01827 and be received prior to 1 p.m. on _Wednesday June 15, 2022.

   Bids will be opened publicly at the Town Hall, Dunstable, MA on Wednesday, June 15, 2022 at 4:00 pm.  The Board of Road Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or portions thereof if it is in the best interest of the town to do so.

   Further information may be received by contacting the office of the Board of Road Commissioners at (978) 649-4514 x227.  Invitation to bid packages are available to be picked up Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Board of Road Commissioners, Town Hall, 511 Main St., Dunstable, MA  01827.



5/27/2022 E



Long-Term Lease of Land for Rental Housing Development

   Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30B, § 16, the Town of Dunstable is requesting sealed proposals for the development of rental housing on Town-owned land. The Town intends that the selected developer will propose approximately 40 rental housing units with 25-percent restricted as affordable and all dwelling units qualifying for the state’s subsidized housing inventory. The Town expects to enter a land development agreement and a 99-year lease with the selected developer. 

   The Town-owned property is a 28.5-acre parcel located at 160-164 Pleasant Street and identified on Assessor’s Map 12 as Lots 48 and 49-1. The property is located in the Town’s Mixed Use Zoning District.

   The Request for Proposal Package (RFP) containing information relative to the submission requirements will be available at 

on April 20, 2022 and at the Town Administrator’s Office, Town of Dunstable, Town Hall, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, Massachusetts 01827, and available via email to 

   Sealed proposals will be received at the Town Administrator’s Office, Town of Dunstable, Town Hall, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, Massachusetts 01827 until 2:00 pm, on May 25, 2022.  Ten (10) hard copies of the proposal must be delivered in a sealed package, plainly marked “160-164 Pleasant Street Development Proposal” along with a USB flash drive with files in PDF format.

   All proposals shall remain in effect for a period of 120 calendar days from the deadline for submission, or until a land development agreement is signed by a selected developer and the Town, or this Request for Proposals is canceled, whichever occurs first.

   The Town of Dunstable reserves the right to cancel the RFP, reject any or all proposals, waive any informalities in the proposals, and accept the proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the Town. A land development agreement and the lease will be awarded by the Board of Selectmen, if at all, to the responsive and responsible developer whose proposal is deemed by the Town to be the most advantageous, taking into consideration price, the evaluation criteria included in the RFP, and the results of an interview process with the Board of Selectmen. The RFP and supporting documentation do not constitute an offer or agreement to lease the property. Such an offer and agreement may result only from the execution of a land development agreement and lease by the Town’s Board of Selectmen.

5/6, 5/13, 5/20/2022 D


Groton Herald

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[Prescott Community Center]

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