The Dunstable Conservation Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, March 14, 2022 by Zoom, 6:45pm to con- sider a Notice of Intent filed by Derek Bouley for property owned by Mr. Bouley and located at 260 Main Street, Map 22, Block 33-2. The applicant pro- poses to build a single family home with attached garage, well, subsurface sewage disposal sys- tem, driveway and associated grading and utilities within the 100-foot buffer zone. This is a joint hearing under the require- ments of MGL Ch. 131 §40, as amended, and the Dunstable Wetlands Protection Bylaw and Regulations, as amended. Plans are available at the Commission’s office at Town Hall, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, MA. For information email: Please log onto the town website ( the Wednesday before the meeting for Zoom information.
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