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LETTER: Fitch's Bridge Benefits the Whole Town

Dear Editor:

I enthusiastically support the Fitch's Bridge project that includes a replacement bridge over the Nashua River. A vote is to be taken Jan. 26. I am writing this letter to you from several perspectives.

As a lifelong equestrian, I see this project as a dream fulfilled for both the Groton and local equestrian community. The trail access from and to West Groton today requires crossing the Route 225 Nashua River Bridge. This is unsafe for both the horse and the rider. The new Fitch's Bridge will provide extensive trail connections from both sides of the Nashua River. These trail connections will also benefit walkers and bicyclists in the same manner.

Secondly, I am an advisor to the Hazel Grove Agricultural Association (HGAA), overseers to Hazel Grove Park, AKA the Fairgrounds. I believe this facility will also benefit from the new Fitch's Bridge. As the HGAA goes forward with improvements at Hazel Grove Park, the expanded trail system will entice equestrians and other groups to use this facility.

Lastly, as a Groton Park Commissioner, we have collectively supported this initiative as it falls under the Master Plan and recreation plan.

As a proud 21-year resident of Groton and 28-year user of these trails, I am sending along a thank you to those involved in bringing this project forward.


Laurie Smigelski, Mill Street

Groton Herald

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 610, Groton, Massachusetts 01450

145 Main Street, Groton, Massachusetts 014510
[Prescott Community Center]

Telephone: 978-448-6061

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